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Friday, January 04, 2008

Using New military hospital

The First time in New Year 2008, Cambodian Priminister and his wife were joint using ceremony a new military hospital in Kompong Cham Province in 03 January,2008.

In fact, Khmer Rough Regime 1975-1979 in Cambodia, Many Cambodian People were dead during Khmer Rough regime. "Thanks some of khmer Soldiers and friendly Vietnams army were made a revolution and destroyed to Dark Regime" Primister said.

Kompong Cham Province is about 124km from Phnom Penh and National Road 6,7. This Province is about 9.799km2, population about 1.725.023 and 18 seats in National Assembly.

Recently, Khmer Rough Tribunal have been create and got fund from Shared budget between United Nation and Cambodian Government, Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). Some of the Khmer Rough Leaders were dead and lives in the jail.

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